LIVE are excited about VetEd 2016 Glasgow

Several members of the LIVE team are making the trip to Glasgow in July for the annual Veterinary Education Symposium (VetEd). LIVE, in collaboration with several RVC colleagues, will be presenting interactive posters on a variety of topics including: a reflective approach to shelter medicine (Ruth Serlin), social identity of veterinary education (Hannah Perrin), interprofessional education (Alison Langridge), business learning (Liz Chan with Liz Jackson) and learning gain (Tierney Kinnison/Ayona Silva-Fletcher, with Vicki Waring). In addition, Tierney and Carrie Roder are hosting the, now well-established, veterinary education/profession PhD workshop and are looking forward to sharing their PhD experiences with other past/current/future students! Hannah will be running a very useful workshop on qualitative research methods. And last but not least, Kim Whittlestone and an RVC colleague, Rachel Davies, will be holding a workshop called "Adopting a coaching approach to staff and student academic development".