Welcome to LIVE
Lifelong, Independent Veterinary Education
LIVE is a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) based at the Royal Veterinary College, London.
"The LIVE Centre is a globally unique powerhouse for research and development in veterinary education. As its name suggests, its vision is a fundamental transformation of the veterinary and allied professions, breeding a generation who will be lifelong, independent learners from induction to retirement. LIVE’s multi-professional team focuses on developing and evaluating new tools for teaching, learning and assessment. Some originate in veterinary education itself, whilst others are cherry-picked from other disciplines and then adapted to work successfully in the veterinary milieu."
Paul Probyn, RVC Director of Learning and Wellbeing
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At the end of October, Professor Stephen May attended a face-to-face meeting in Denver of the American Association of Veterinary Medical College’s Competency-Based Veterinary Education Working Group, …
Professor Stephen May and Tierney Kinnison participated in the Second Mind Matters Research Symposium held in London in September 2019. Tierney gave their joint presentation entitled “How unease and …